Obtaining A Power Of Attorney For Elderly Parents

Making important decisions for aging parents can be a challenging task, but power of attorney (POA) can provide peace of mind and clarity in times of need. POA

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FAQs About Long-Term Care Insurance

Our nation’s population is aging at a faster rate than ever before, and collectively we are living much longer than in the past. In fact, by 2034, seniors

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How Shopping Around For An Estate Plan Leaves Your Family Unprotected

Maybe you have heard that before investing in a professional service you should “get three estimates.” While often this is wise advice, it is actually a bad idea

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Estate Planning 101: Wills and Trusts

Wills and trusts are two of the most commonly used estate planning documents, and they form the foundation of most estate plans. While both documents are legal vehicles

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6 Things You Should NOT Include In Your Will

A will is one of the most basic estate planning tools. While relying solely on a will is rarely a suitable option for most people, just about every

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