Become a Stronger Leader Through Self-Awareness

As a small business owner, you wear many hats and juggle countless responsibilities every single day. From managing employees to handling finances to keeping customers happy, strong leadership

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The Surprising Secret to Business Success: Replacing Yourself!

You started your business as a labor of love, nurturing it through those tough early years with grit and personal sacrifice. Over time, that seedling grew into a

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From Basement Beginnings to Business Brilliance: The Nitro Bar’s Story

The path to entrepreneurial success is paved with challenges and triumphs, often born from humble beginnings. Today, I’ll highlight such a story. Audrey Finocchiaro and Sam Lancaster are

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8 Tips to Help Secure Outside Funding for Your Business

As an entrepreneur, you can appreciate how difficult it may be to get funding for your business. You’ve pitched your heart out, refined your business plan, and networked

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Understanding Liability: How to Protect Your Business From Lawsuits

Managing a business comes with its own set of challenges, and one of the most formidable is the potential for litigation. Legal disputes can drain your financial resources,

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10 Survival Strategies for Today’s New Entrepreneur: Part 2

Welcome back to our exploration of foundational strategies for building a successful business. In the first part of this series, we discussed the importance of partnerships, preparedness, inclusivity,

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10 Survival Strategies for Today’s New Entrepreneur: Part 1

Any successful entrepreneur will tell you that starting your own business is a thrilling endeavor that requires creativity, resilience, and strategic thinking. Whether you’re planning to launch a

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The FTC’s Non-Compete Ban: What It Means For Small Business

The Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) recent decision to ban non-compete agreements marks a significant shift in how labor markets will operate across the United States. This rule, passed

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Avoid Accidentally Using Someone Else’s Trademark in 4 Practical Steps

The journey of launching a new business or expanding an existing one brings the thrill of crafting a unique identity—choosing a catchy name, designing an eye-catching logo, and

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Using Credit Cards to Fund Business Growth: What Entrepreneurs Need to Know

Starting a business is an exciting venture, but it also comes with a plethora of challenges, not least among them securing adequate funding. In a previous article, I

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