Is It Time To Update Your Company’s Insurance? 5 Events That Necessitate A Review Of Your Coverage

Putting in place the right types and amounts of business insurance is a key part of your company’s LIFT risk-mitigation and asset-protection foundation. However, like other foundational business

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How using The Right Legal Agreements Can Safeguard Your Intellectual Property

Using independent contractors (ICs) can give your company an edge in today’s thriving gig economy, but if you are not careful, contractors can also be a serious liability.

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How to Separate Yourself From Your Business—And Why It’s So Important

When you run your own business, oftentimes one of the most confusing aspects of the job, especially if you are new to the experience, is understanding how to

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3 Solutions For Managing The Top Stressors Of Business Ownership

There are numerous advantages to running your own business: being your own boss, setting your own hours, getting to decide who you work with and what you work

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4 Fundamental Asset Protection Vehicles For Business Owners

Regardless of the industry you are in, the reality of being a business owner is that you open yourself up to a number of unique risks that most

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Determining Reasonable Compensation For An S Corporation

Outside of personal liability protection, one of the primary advantages of setting your business up as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) is flexibility in how your company is

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6 Essential Strategies For Starting A New Business

If you are thinking of starting a business, you’ll find all sorts of advice about how to go about getting your new venture off the ground. Indeed, there

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